Baby Boomster
Friday, April 30, 2004

Maybe it's me, but far too many of the Film Industry's current movies are just plain crap. Big budgets, little budgets, somehow the premise of telling a story seems to escape a vast number of today's filmmakers. With expensive, special effects, over paid actors, and over-the-top directors, movies are high on action, blood, gore, sex, but extremely low on plot -- their stories are literally lost in translation. Yet there are some films which are both entertaining and genuinely memorable.

Finding Nemo, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, all are big films with big budgets that were justified in their success in making profits and finding large audiences.

However, some of the sweetest films are independent, low-budget projects which have also found large audiences and became award-winning successes. Lost in Translation, Whale Rider, The Sixth Sense, Dirty Dancing, and My Big Fat Greek Wedding, are some examples of independent or small films that found large audiences. All are excellent movies deserving their praise, awards and acclaim.

I judge a good film by it’s personal effect on me -- either it invokes some type of emotional response, or completely sweeps me away from the reality of my life. Fluff movies can be fine too -- and sometimes therapeutic. I thoroughly enjoyed Freaky Friday, it was cute, well made, silly and just plain fun, which is unusual for a remake!

I want more thought provoking films like Schindler’s List, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The Manchurian Candidate, A Beautiful Mind, and Midnight Cowboy. I want to be swept away on desert dunes with Lawrence of Arabia, sing on a mountaintop with The Sound of Music, laugh ‘til it hurts with the thought that Some Like it Hot. Emerge me in the intrigue of The Maltese Falcon, Chinatown, LA Confidential, Rebecca and Laura. I want more of : The Mighty, Welcome to the Doll House, The Piano, Stand by Me, Dominic & Eugene, Arsenic and Old Lace, and Almost Famous.

So Hollywood -- as Kurt Cobain songfully demanded – "Here we are now/ Entertain us!"

Friday, April 23, 2004

Just a few passing thoughts on American Idol, a show I watched from it's humble beginnings, two season ago, up to last Wednesday's show, when we bid adieu to Jennifer Hudson.

I can no longer take the media hype or the buzz around the water cooler every Thursday regarding the latest finalist who was unjustly voted out, or rather, I should say, who received the least amount of votes. I just don't care anymore.

Let's face it, the cream will rise to the top. Whether voted out or voted the American Idol, the truly talented will find success, be given a record contracts and fulfill his or her dreams due to the exposure the show has given them.

Case in point -- Kelly Clarkson, the first winner of the original season, is still turning out successful records and concert tours, while her popular runner-up, Justin (whatwashisname???) had his 15 minutes of fame and is out for the count. [Though very popular with the audience while on the show, he did not generate enough CD sales to keep his recording contract, and his movie with Kelly beach-bombed big time.] Fickle fans evidently have moved on to ... John Stevens and/or possibly William Hung.

Also who was the other guy who hosted the first season along with Ryan Seacrest??? Yes there were two hosts on the first season's shows.

As the second season winner, Ruben Studdard continues to perform concert dates (with just a minor delay from the fuzz on his 'grass-root' bus tour). Although Ruben has achieved a reasonably successful music career with respectable music sales, his runner up, Clay Aiken burst onto the charts at No. 1, has been touring with first season's winner Kelly Clarkson, and is the undoubtedly, the most popular male Idol graduate to date. So it's a bit uncertain who actually is the top winner of season two.

Several other talented Idol "losers", are winners in anyone's book, with their careers blossoming, for example: Tamyra Gray and Kimberly Locke.

As for Season three's offerings:

-- Simon's comments and criticisms are becoming tired and repetitive. His only original remarks are just silly putty put-downs of vague physical characteristics, i.e. you remind me of ... Jay Leno (said to Amy) or Stan Laurel ... (what else could he say to John, he's told him for several consecutive weeks that he's just out of his league and doesn't belong in the competition).

-- Paula is still trying to maintain the adage, that if you can't say something nice... But it's not working. Her comments seem stale and insincere and her generic "good job" seems to cover everything from the excellent to the mundane.

-- Randy attitude since his weight loss shows you can teach an old 'dawg' new tricks, and with every pound lost, he's gained a super-critical attitude nit-picking at all, but the most nearly-perfect performances each week, with his especially favored 'bitchy' - oops, I mean -'pitchy' comments.

-- Ryan is so overexposed, that his five o'clock shadow is now at 6 p.m.

And so I wish good luck to: Fantasia, La Toya, Jasmine, Diana and George -- you're all winners and it doesn't matter which one of you takes top honors this season.

Chin up - Amy and Jennifer, you may be the next Tamara or Kimberly.

And to Simon Cowell, I say:

Congratulations -- you are, in fact, the biggest IDOL winner of all, reaping the most financial rewards from the finest montage of talent discovered, while enjoying the benefits of a top ranking TV show and a very "A" list celebrity profile. Sweet!

And finally, to American Idol, I say --

Boomster - O U T !


Poor Dr. Atkins never saw the true success of his theories take off with the hysteria and abandonment of today's low carb followers. Perhaps the tweeking of his regiment by a fellow colleague who developed the South Beach Diet, just a low carb program with some wiser, reduced fat choices, was just what the doctor ordered, so to speak, to get the craze started.

Anyway, it's gone crazy. Everywhere one looks, fast food restaurants, the regular supermarkets, TV cooking shows, all now have low carb agendas. Will it be successful??? Will more people finally shed the excess pounds they've been trying to loss with better and long lasting results???

My answer. Probably not.

I believe low carb, low fat, and/or restricted-calorie diets all work, if followed faithfully. The problem lies with the person who begins any weight-loss program and after several weeks/months, begins to "cheat." Or after losing the weight, let their old eating habits, creep back into their lifestyle, and soon, they are even heavier than they were in the first place. Thus the yo-yo dieting syndrome occurs.

There's no special trick to this folks, no magic pills or formula. It's simple arithmetic -- limit calories, exercise more, use more energy that you take in and ... viola -- minus the pounds. Making wise food choices is helpful in getting more quantity for your calorie budget, but all this is easier said then done. With the abundance of decadent, or just plain junk foods on every market shelf and restaurant menu, the temptation to sooth one's soul with the comfort of Ben and Jerrys Chunky Monkey, or (fill in the blank here with your favorite _______), will probably consume (no pun intended) 3/4 of the calorie budget for the day. The beginning of the end of any sensible eating plan.

How do I know? What makes me the expert on diets? Because I am the perfect example of the constant dieter, struggling each and every day with the battle against food. I'm the perfect example of the professional dieter, still waiting for the next new plan to change my life and my weight.

I truly know, all I need to do is be consistant in make wise food choices, utilize sensible portion control, and exercise more, to be successful and reach a realistic goal, but I am not disciplined nor patient enough to follow through for the necessary period of time to experience a reasonable and permanent weight loss.

So here's to the perfect low carb, low fat, sugar-free, high fiber reduced calorie meal -- a cereal box (not cereal, just the box) and a glass of water. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Growing old is a bitch, but then again, it beats the alternative!

Fifty definitely isn't the fifty of past generations. With healthier living, exercise, and of course, plastic surgery, most people look 10 years younger than their predecessors. But no matter how one tries, one can only forestall the inevitable.

It is a good thing to eat healthy, exercise, and utilize the medical profession for preventative health screenings, and if so inclined, to go to surgical means to keep the illusion of youth. Afterall, people have been coloring their hair for years, and although a more drastic approach, botox, face lifts, hair transplants, and liposuction are just extreme methods of extending the youth-illusion process. Currently these procedures have gained much favor in today's youth-conscious society.

However, there are those who have taken this process to the ultimate level. Although their face is their fortune, some celebrities are becoming members of the Michael Jackson Freak Society and hardly resemble themselves as they once were -- rather looking more like waxed rejects from Madame Tussauds.

To those celebrities I say ...

Get real people, enough already! Know when to stop while you're ahead of the game. The bones, organs and body are still 50. So no matter what you do, (or who you sleep with) it's wise to remember your body has endured 50+ years of use, -- years of smoking, drinking, exposure to sun and just damn living, which have taken their toll. -- You're still 50! You have not stopped the passing of time with your efforts -- remember it's only an illusion.

Personally, I'd rather be a surprising, well-preserved 50, than a superficially-engineered one. (But then again, I have exceptionally good genes in my favor.)

My thought for today ...

Face it folks, 50 is 50! So enjoy it, before you become 60!

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Yesterday's post spoke of my employment situation and status. My company happens to be in dire straights, heading off to potential bankruptcy. Poor business decisions and bad management from top levels as well as over-the-top perks for the privileged, brought a mighty company to it's knees.

Former executives deserted the sinking ship, with generous contract buyouts and their Mercedes as a parting gift, while the rest of the workforce was downsized dramatically. Benefits were cut, accumulated sick days lost, wages frozen. The only thing increased was the workload for those remaining.

Out of the murk and mire arose the new ruling class. Mercedes, Lexus, BMWs still grace the executive lot. The arrogance and rudeness of those now in power almost exceeds that of their predecessors. However, one redeeming factor has been added to the mix that makes it all worthwhile. That is ... The Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Under the law, those signing and attesting to financial information for the company are now held personally liable for the validity of their reports. Also, under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, any person who "interferes with" the employment or livelihood of an employee for providing any truthful information can be sued or imprisoned.

So although the money still stuffs the pockets of the designer suits of the mighty few, underneath that cool exterior form beads of sweat when financials are issued and SEC filings are made.

Monday, April 19, 2004

In most situations, no matter where one is or what one does, I’ve found there are always two categories of people -- the visible and the invisible.

Working in a traditionally male-dominated industry, I am one of the invisible. I am not a player; that is neither upper to mid-management, but merely part of administrative/executive support force. Also, putting me even lower on the scale of visibility are my age and appearance, so only my young, thin, mini-skirted colleagues get any notice at all.

However, not being visible has its advantages. Invisibility provides me the opportunity to observe the behavior of my superiors as surely as I blend into the nondescript landscapes hanging on the walls, and the verdant, silk-leafed fichus plants hugging nearly every corner and doorway.

So be warned, ye mighty captains of industry – big sister is watching. To be continued...

Sunday, April 18, 2004

I received this fun e-mail recently, and thanks to it's anonymous author, I fondly recall most of these words, which were an integral part my home schooling in the Italian vernacular of my familia's vocabulary:

"Let's start at the beginning.

Come stai? Molto bene. Bon giorno. Ciao. Arrivederci. Every Italian from
Italy knows these words and every Italian-American should.

But what about the goomba speech pattern? Those words and phrases that are a little Italian, a little American, and a little slang. Words every paesano
and bacciagaloop has heard,-words we hear on The Sopranos and throughout our Little Italy neighborhoods of New York and New Jersey.

This form of language, the "Goomba-Italiano" has been used for generations.

It's not gangster slang terms like "whack" or "vig", if that's what you are
thinking---nope, this is real guido tawk!

The goomba says ciao when he arrives or leaves. He says Madonna Mia anytime emotion is needed in any given situation. Mannaggia, meengya, oofah, and of course, va fongool can also be used. Capeesh?

He uses a mopeen to wipe his hands in the cuchina, gets agita from the gravy (SAUCE to the NJ gang) and will shkeeve meatballs unless they are homemade from the famiglia. Always foonah your bread in the pot of gravy (sauce) or
you will be considered a real coo-gootz or a mezzo-finookio.

There are usually plenty of mamalukes and the girl from the neighborhood
with the reputation is a facia-bruta, puttana, or a schifosa whooer.

If you are called cattivo, cabbadost, sfatcheem, stupido, or strunz, you are
usually a pain in the ass. A crazy diavlo can give you the malokya (evil
eye), but that red horn (contra malokya) will protect you if you Use it
right. Don't forget to always say per favore, grazia and prego.

If you are feeling mooshadda, stoonad or mezzo-morto, always head to Nonna's
and she will fix you up with a little homemade manicott', cavadell', or
calamar', or some ricotta cheesecake. Mangia some zeppoles, canollis,
torrone, struffoli, shfoolyadell', pignoli cookies, or a little nutella on

Delizioso! I think I will fix myself a sangweech of cabagol' with some
proshoot and mozarell' or maybe just a hot slice of peetza. So salud' if you
have any Italian blood in you and if you understood anything written here.
If so, you are numero uno and a professore of the goombas.

If you don't get any of this, then fa Nabola with the whole thing and you are a disgraziato. Scuzi, me dispiachay, I didn't mean that.

Just fugheddaboudit!"

Friday, April 16, 2004

Some say people choose dogs that physically resemble them. Others think pets reflect some aspect of the character or personality of their masters. But, what about vehicles matching their drivers? Even considering the finances available, people still have choices within the confines of their budgets; thus there is some element of matching owners to their vehicles. Some of the messages are very clear, at least to me.

What brought this on... Well, this morning while driving to work, which is only a nine-mile drive, I happened to see two (not one, but two) of the biggest monstrosities on the road today, and will probably see more in the coming months -- since the manufacturer is making a less expensive model to mass market to the status-conscious lemmings of society. Make way SUVs for the ...

HUMMERS ... - Gas guzzling, ugly vehicles generally available in the most putrid of colors, just demanding attention --

The message: "Look at me! I can afford this outrageous vehicle, which is impractical in most cities and suburbs of the country, but I want to boldly taut my financial status in your face as an egotistical, pretentious, and [most likely],sexual inadequate male."

In other words "Here I am, a middle-aged, balding, financially successful male fighting the losing battle of time, trying to be what I am no longer or never was --young, good looking and secure."

What about a female Hummer owner?... Probably a substitution for a third appendage missing on the lower torso, and I don't mean a tail!

These vehicles are just bad for the ecology ...

My advice, sell the Hummer, and spend the extra cash on transplants, (hair or other), Viagra and donations to 'Save the Rain Forests' -- because,


Thursday, April 15, 2004
Why would anyone want to read the rants and raves of an aging, over-the-hill baby boomer? Why??? Well, maybe no one does, but it doesn't matter. This gal may have something of value to say or she may not, but she still is current enough to update her status to "boomster" and, hopefully, will give an interesting perception on the current generation, society and world in which she lives.

Case in point -- Don't you just loathe anyone who refers to her/himself
in the third person?

For my first post, I'll give just a bit of a bio background... Born and raised on the wrong side of the Hudson -- at least back then -- now trendy and hip -- Hoboken/Jersey City/Weehawken just a quick ride by Ferry or the Path to Manhattan for the up-and-coming professional ... aka: Sex and the City once removed.

I digress. Back to the bio...

First job: Took a bite of the Apple.
Music of the Day: Dylan, Biaz, the Beatles, Stones, and Jefferson Airplane.
Experiences: Broadway, The Village, Central Park, uptown/downtown concerts, museums, San Gennaro fest.
Influences: JFK, Vietnam, hippies, free love, changing the world.
My Generation: basking in idealism, altruism, dreams of the future ... Hokey huh!

Enough of the past. Enough for a first post. This is just the appetizer, not the whole meal.

Bye for now, hyperspace, until we meet again... I leave now with one thought ...

Major players of my generation are primarily responsible for the society we live in today. Idealism? Altruism? Somehow yesterday's dreams dissolved into today's nightmares.

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