Baby Boomster
Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Growing old is a bitch, but then again, it beats the alternative!

Fifty definitely isn't the fifty of past generations. With healthier living, exercise, and of course, plastic surgery, most people look 10 years younger than their predecessors. But no matter how one tries, one can only forestall the inevitable.

It is a good thing to eat healthy, exercise, and utilize the medical profession for preventative health screenings, and if so inclined, to go to surgical means to keep the illusion of youth. Afterall, people have been coloring their hair for years, and although a more drastic approach, botox, face lifts, hair transplants, and liposuction are just extreme methods of extending the youth-illusion process. Currently these procedures have gained much favor in today's youth-conscious society.

However, there are those who have taken this process to the ultimate level. Although their face is their fortune, some celebrities are becoming members of the Michael Jackson Freak Society and hardly resemble themselves as they once were -- rather looking more like waxed rejects from Madame Tussauds.

To those celebrities I say ...

Get real people, enough already! Know when to stop while you're ahead of the game. The bones, organs and body are still 50. So no matter what you do, (or who you sleep with) it's wise to remember your body has endured 50+ years of use, -- years of smoking, drinking, exposure to sun and just damn living, which have taken their toll. -- You're still 50! You have not stopped the passing of time with your efforts -- remember it's only an illusion.

Personally, I'd rather be a surprising, well-preserved 50, than a superficially-engineered one. (But then again, I have exceptionally good genes in my favor.)

My thought for today ...

Face it folks, 50 is 50! So enjoy it, before you become 60!

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