Baby Boomster
Friday, April 16, 2004

Some say people choose dogs that physically resemble them. Others think pets reflect some aspect of the character or personality of their masters. But, what about vehicles matching their drivers? Even considering the finances available, people still have choices within the confines of their budgets; thus there is some element of matching owners to their vehicles. Some of the messages are very clear, at least to me.

What brought this on... Well, this morning while driving to work, which is only a nine-mile drive, I happened to see two (not one, but two) of the biggest monstrosities on the road today, and will probably see more in the coming months -- since the manufacturer is making a less expensive model to mass market to the status-conscious lemmings of society. Make way SUVs for the ...

HUMMERS ... - Gas guzzling, ugly vehicles generally available in the most putrid of colors, just demanding attention --

The message: "Look at me! I can afford this outrageous vehicle, which is impractical in most cities and suburbs of the country, but I want to boldly taut my financial status in your face as an egotistical, pretentious, and [most likely],sexual inadequate male."

In other words "Here I am, a middle-aged, balding, financially successful male fighting the losing battle of time, trying to be what I am no longer or never was --young, good looking and secure."

What about a female Hummer owner?... Probably a substitution for a third appendage missing on the lower torso, and I don't mean a tail!

These vehicles are just bad for the ecology ...

My advice, sell the Hummer, and spend the extra cash on transplants, (hair or other), Viagra and donations to 'Save the Rain Forests' -- because,


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