Friday, August 13, 2004
JIMMY SAYS..."I am a gay American"
James McGreevey Steps Down from Office... James McGreevey had an Adulterous Affair with a Man ... James McGreevey Resigns as Governor.
What really bothers me is what James McGreevey isn't saying!!! What prompted Jimmy to publicly resign from office? The recent scandals surrounding his appointees and supporters??? -- bet that's part of it. The $110,000 state job bestowed on his unqualified lover,??? also into the mix,... And of course, the alleged threat of an impending lawsuit by his former paramour if Jimmy didn't come across with a hefty amount of 'make it go away' money -- probably the final straw! What else??? Stay tuned, sure there's more to follow...
Jim Boy - where did you go wrong??? Humble beginnings in Jersey City, excellent education - Columbia, Georgetown and Harvard. Strong political ambition and success - Prosecutor, Mayor of Woodbridge, State Governor. A loving, supportive family, a new marriage, a new child -- you had it all, or so it seemed. Too bad our righteous culture finds such pleasure in keeping gays closeted living a 'don't ask, don't tell' existence. Sexual preference shouldn't be hidden, nor should it be flaunted, but should co-exist equally within the guidelines and laws of our society as an acknowleged diversity of human nature.
Nothing McGreevey's done, hasn't been done before, both in the straight and gay communities. Graft and corruption abound in political circles. Clinton bestowed a $15,000 job upon Gennifer Flowers, just as many other politicians have done unfairly awarding jobs, projects, etc.,to favored friends, lovers and business associates. Gay and straight priests have doled out parish employment to their significant others as well. But it doesn't make it right, or acceptable or honest.
Jimmy if only you'd come out of the closet - neat and clean without all the baggage of disgrace, dirty laundry and shame. You could have been an icon for the gay community and New Jersey. The Garden State would have been proud to have the first, honest and above-board gay Governor.
Jimmy: You don't understand. You coulda had class. You coulda been a contender. You coulda been somebody -- instead of a ...