Baby Boomster
Friday, June 04, 2004

"Ambiguous moral positions, the distortion of reason by particular interest groups ... are just some examples of a perspective of life which fails to seek truth itself and then abandons the search for the ultimate goal and meaning of human existence," John Paul said.

He urged church leaders to be courageous despite detractors. "Some today view Christianity as weighed down by structures and failing to respond to people's spiritual needs," he said.

"Rights are at times reduced to self-centered demands: the growth of prostitution and pornography in the name of adult choice, the acceptance of abortion in the name of women's rights, the approval of same sex unions in the name of homosexual rights," he said.

"The Catholic Church forbids abortion and considers homosexual activity a sin."

Yep, Johnny Paul, you really see the moral dilemma we Americans are facing, and if you look hard enough, you will find it especially in your own church. Turning away from the Catholic church is a by-product of decades of maltreatment of the Catholic laity by the Catholic clergy. Sexual abuse of innocents, financial misconduct by pastors and bishops, my oh my, years of denial, misuse of power, persecution of victims, lies and debauchery, have taken their toll among the loyalty of your once-faithful followers. And yet JP, you speak of "the distortion of reason by particular interest groups" -- when the Catholic church is one of the greatest offenders.

It took years for the church to start to clean its own house, and only did so because the sexual clergy abuse scandals were so wide-spread and so far-reaching it couldn't control the gigantic monster it had created and nurtured for so many years. The church tried, but the beast burst from the darkness to the light of the public domain and with it, Mother church lost all credibility, with its blind and unwavering position of denial.

The church may consider homosexual activity a sin, but how many of the clergy are themselves sexually active homosexuals? The church condemns prostitution and pornography but how many of the clergy have and are leading truly celibate and chaste lives?

With donations declining, the church needs to reassess itself, if it again wants the financial support of its congregations. It must give back for the years of neglect and exploitation to gain back the trust, respect and support of its people. The Catholic clergy was itself a factor in creating the "self-centered demands" for which the Pope now criticizes the American people.

So JP, in the name of God, stop criticizing your people, and start nurturing them.

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