Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Last night at dusk I happened to look out to the front door as dozens of fireflies twinkled over the lawn as they tend to do at this time of year. But for a moment in my minds eye, there were two fanciful children prancing about trying to capture the illusive, intermittent pulsing lights.
The barefooted little girl, twirling and turning in her nightgown round and round, her long, soft hair dancing in the mist of the evening air. She is the essence of childhood's lost games in her light-hearted innocence. The young boy pouncing at his prey with the challenge of serious competition. He must master this task and capture the most to place in the jar.
The evening ends as the light fades and the prisoners are released to the darkness of the night to fulfill their destinies.
A decade later the two youths are grown, down life's path to fulfill their own destinies.
I miss them.