Baby Boomster
Wednesday, June 09, 2004

My high school is having a reunion this year. It is a milestone anniversary as all reunions are, and I have no interest in going, because:

1) The friend(s) that I want to see I still do.

2) I don't really care about the others, especially their successes, their failures, their children, their grandchildren, etc.,

3) These affairs usually bring out the glory boys -- and rah rah girls.

Glory boys are those who peaked in High School and must relive their glory days, with every game they participated in, with play-by-play narratives, as well as every date they went on, every silly prank they pulled and, in general, still envision themselves with a full heads of hair, tight abs and achieving a mid-to-high level in the ranking pool of 'cool/hip' guys. Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Rah Rah girls are those who cheered at varsity level games, were cute, slim, perky, popular, dated the captain and/or major sports players, were homecoming queen or in the homecoming court. Also generally conceited, shallow, self-absorbed, snooty, and at times, even cruel. A few have kept their slim figures, but nearly all were sun worshippers and now their faces look like a roadmap of the LA freeway.

4) Most of these people now are old, fat, bald and boring, and -- I'm not. At least 2 out of 4 -- I'm not!

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