Friday, May 07, 2004
It's said that everyone is psychic (no not psycho, but psychic)!
Although some people believe I am, some think I'm not, some aren't sure, I do have my moments!
It is quite clear the first time this was evident. I was a child of the city, and as most city children of my day, played outside on the sidewalks and steps of the houses on my block, basically a street urchin until beckoned home by the automated street lights.
When I was five or six, I was tagging along with a group of neighborhood children who were playing with a toy roulette wheel. On that day, I was included in the game and I kept winning and winning and winning. At first, my playmates were amused, then amazed, and began looking at me in a new light of interest and even respect. Since I was the youngest in the group, my usual place in the pecking order was dirt bottom ... gofer ... hanger-on. But on this day, as I kept picking consecutive winning numbers, my newly-impressed peers began counting how many I would guess before I missed. I remember that I rarely missed and usually, had runs of numbers in the range of at least 10 to 15, before my pick was off by a digit or two from the winner!
How did I do it? I would concentrate, really concentrate, clearing my mind of all other thoughts, and a number would just pop into my mind. I could almost hear it. This wasn't such a special feat to me, it was something that was always there, at least until that day.
I also remember for the first time in my young life, I was, on one hand, not just an accepted equal, but someone special with a talent that was beyond the others in the group. But on the other hand, I was someone different in an eerie way from the norm. I was no longer playing the game, I was the game!
Thus, my gift became a curse, and ultimately I learned it was best to keep my ability to myself. As time passed, there are reasons, which I will not reveal, why my ability never developed further, but rather was suppressed and -- even lost for a time.
Unfortunately for me, I can no longer predict winning numbers, neither on roulette wheels or lottery tickets or of winning race horses. However, throughout my life, at random times -- I get feelings, impressions, whispering thoughts, so to speak, which come to my head out of nowhere, -- either telling me something about a person, place or event that is in the past, present or future, but proves to be quite true! It is eerie, sometimes disturbing, but I've come to respect these feelings and especially heed any that come in the form of a warning.
So I do believe in magic, esp, premonitions, conscience, prophecy, superstition, clairvoyance, woman's intuition, -- call it what you will.
I will share -- here and now, -- with all of hyperspace, my personal belief, my own explanation of this phenomenon:
There is a little voice in each and all, and I like to think it's the voice of our own guardian angel, whispering secrets, giving us guidance, that most of the time, we are too busy or too preoccupied to hear.
Clear your mind of the clutter, and listen, really listen closely ... Do you hear your angel?